Why China's monopoly in global trade must end: Wuhan Coronavirus

But in the war of narratives China may be on the backfoot but when it comes to the business of coronavirus china is far ahead China is boosting its medical exports China is giving aid to the worst
affected countries for the struggling Nations this aid is a lifeline the Chinese supplies our weapons to
fight the deadly Chinese virus so why isn't the world praising China because these Chinese products are living up to their reputation their substandard even defective Spain Turkey and the Netherlands are returning medical supplies from China Spain and Turkey receive defective testing kits only 30%
of these kits worked 70% of the times they failed or gave the wrong results the Netherlands has returned 600,000 face masks why because the masks did not fit and their filters did not work now
this is very serious defective equipment can cost lives in times like these and yet the world continues to buy from China even India is buying medical gear from China why because there are no alternatives you get Chinese or you get nothing before the coronavirus crisis China made half of the world's masks 50% of the global market share China has more than 2,500 companies making face masks alone 2,500 companies after the outbreak China increased its capacity by 450 percent try to process that the rest of the world is still in lockdown and China is on an accelerator no wonder the world depends on China for medical supplies and this includes what is called PPE personal protective
equipment as of 2018 China supplied 43 percent of the global demand what is personal protective
equipment face shields protective garments mouth nose protection equipment gloves goggles 43 percent of the global market that's what China controls it is a strong grip on pharmaceutical supplies
well America and Europe import nearly 80% of their antibiotics from China India is the leading supplier of high-quality medicines across the world but Indian companies import 70% of their
raw materials from China so it is obvious that the world depends on China for supplies but I come back to my question why does the world depend on China because first no other source was encouraged and then China did not let any other source any alternatives prosper backed by the government Chinese companies offered more products at lower prices they killed competition China
became the world's workshop even in the field of medicine even when it supplies a potentially life-threatening people continue to buy the corona virus outbreak has exposed the downside of dependence on China the world's leading nations are paying a hefty price for the health systems this crisis is a double whammy first when the corona virus emerged in China Beijing closed its
factories so the global supply chain shut down or was disrupted the health industry lost access to essential and critical supplies and then came the second blow the Chinese factories reopened and they began supplying to the world but the world was locked down companies using Chinese raw materials
were shut and consumers were getting faulty Chinese goods Chinese medical supplies were playing with the lives of people the coronavirus crisis is an opportunity for the world the time has come for a
major reset leading nation should wean themselves off Chinese suppliers developing economies like India can step in to fill the gap New Delhi already is making major strides India is not buying
any test kits from China Indian companies are making them at home.
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