Almost two years after a landmark judgement that decriminalised homosexuality in India, 90 percent of all users on dating app OkCupid - and 95 percent of its LGBTQ+ community users - believe that gay marriage in India should be legal.
The dating app, which gives users a choice of 13 orientation options and 22 gender identities with an open choice of pronouns on its platform, has launched a new campaign #AllyOfLove, in which it celebrates the ongoing Pride month and love in every colour of the rainbow. "This campaign celebrates the battles that have been fought and continue to be fought everyday for love to be accepted even #though all individuals crave for love. This campaign is a reminder that love doesn''t discriminate, and we should all be an #AllyofLove," it said about the campaign.
According to data collected from in-app questions users answer to be meaningfully-matched with potential dates, 96 percent men and women said they care about LGBTQi issues and are an #AllyOfLove. They do not believe or support any gender-based prejudice theories about love.
Asked if they would participate in a public demonstration to demand LGBTQ+ equality, 58 percent men, 74 percent women and 75 percent members of the LGBTQi+ community would participate in a public demonstration to demand LGBTQi rights. It is clear that while a majority of Indian millennials as represented on OkCupid are vocal about what''s right, women and members of the community are more familiar with being discriminated against and are more likely to raise their voice for equality.
"65 percent LGBTQi+ community members on OkCupid said they have friends from the community. Amongst the overall user base, 54 percent women and only 39 percent men have friends from the community," OkCupid said.
Would they ever ask parent(s) for love advice? Interestingly, while 42 percent women say they ask their parents for advice on love, only 25 percent men and 23 percent people from the queer community would be comfortable doing so, showing that love doesn''t come easy to most.
Finally what are their thoughts on the idea of falling in love?
According to users, over 95 percent - whether male, female or gender fluid, and across sexual orientation - have expressed wanting love and how love is just love, a plain and simple emotion which shouldn''t be muddled with biases and opinions.
Based on these insights, OkCupid is also all set to launch its campaign and release a short film called #AllyOfLove celebrating queer voices while calling out the similarities and struggles of finding love for people across the gender spectrum.