Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh on Monday said his government will check on the “involvement” of China in an Indian firm selected to deliver smartphones to be given to youths as part of the Congress'' poll promise. Singh’s statement came after he asked the BJP led-Centre to return Chinese firms’ donations to the PM CARES Fund amid Indo-China border tensions. Addressing a press conference here, the chief minister said the state government had given a contract to an Indian company for the delivery of smartphones. “We will check what is China''s involvement in this company and to what extent and then make a decision,” said Singh while replying to a question. “What is the equity situation (in the company)? Is it Chinese equity or Indian ?” said Singh, elaborating the issues to be examined. He said the firm had said 50,000 smartphones were ready and that they wanted to deliver another 50,000 more phones in July. Before coming to power in 2017, the state Congress had promised to give free smartphones to youths in the state. The Congress had announced in its election manifesto that in order to "encourage and incentivise" youths to use digital technology in day-to-day lives, it would distribute free smartphones.