Actor Aayush Sharma has been having cheat day meals during the lockdown, and he blames his wife Arpita Khan for it.
"The lockdown has been a learning curve for all of us. @arpitakhansharma is surprising us all with her hidden talent. We all are being treated to amazing food like Corn flake chicken to mushroom pasta, minced basil chicken to lasagna. Yesterday Arpita surprised us all by baking this beautiful cake for my our dad. Thank you so much love..
"PS - please blame all my added fat to my wife. It's getting hard to stay on my diet," Aayush wrote on scial media. Along with it, he shared a picture in which Arpita is seen posing with a chocolate cake in her hand.
Aayush and Arpita got married in 2014. The two have a three-year-old son named Ahil and a baby girl, Ayat.
The family is currently spending time at Aayush''s home in Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.