Bajaj Auto on Thursday reported a 31 per cent decline in its total sales at 2,78,097 units in June as against 4,04,624 units in the same month last year.
Domestic sales declined by 34 per cent at 1,51,189 units last month as compared to 2,29,225 units in June 2019, Bajaj Auto said in a regulatory filing.
The company further said its total two-wheeler sales were down 27 per cent at 2,55,122 units as compared to 3,51,291 units in the year-ago month.
Domestic two-wheeler sales were at 1,46,695 units last month against 1,99,340 units in June 2019, a decline of 26 per cent, it added.
Overall commercial vehicles sales also dropped by 57 per cent at 22,975 units last month compared to 53,333 units in the year-ago period with domestic sales falling 85 per cent to 4,494 units against 29,885 units in June 2019.
Bajaj Auto said its total exports last month were down 28 per cent at 1,26,908 units as compared to 1,75,399 units in June 2019.
For the first quarter ended June 30, the company saw its total sales drop by 64 per cent to 4,43,103 units as compared with 12,47,174 units in April-June period of 2019-20.