Mangaluru city and suburban areas in Dakshina Kannada wore a deserted look on Sunday with the people fully backing the total lockdown clamped by the district administration in the wake of increasing number of coronavirus cases. The total lockdown is set to continue on all Sundays till August 2 unless otherwise notified. Shops and business establishments were closed and vehicles kept off the roads. Only essential services, including hospitals, ambulance services and supply of essential items are allowed. All roads in the city were free of traffic and markets remained closed. Police have been deployed in all areas to check lockdown violations. In Udupi also, normal life was paralysed with the total lockdown. Only shops selling essential goods were open, while buses and private vehicles kept off the roads. A total of 1,095 COVID-19 cases and 22 deaths have been reported in DK till Saturday, while Udupi recorded 1,277 cases and three deaths.