There is no interference by Tamil Nadu's ruling party in the probe into the custodial death of father and son in the state's Tuticorin district, a senior police official said on Friday.
Speaking to reporters, Inspector General of Police, Crime Branch-Crime Investigation Department (CB-CID), K.Shankar denied allegations of political interference in the investigation into the custodial death of P. Jeyaraj and J. Bennicks of Sathankulam.
According to Shankar, first information report (FIR) has been lodged for murder and disappearance of evidence and other charges against five policemen.
He said the police are on the look for a constable who is on the run and did not rule out further arrests in the case.
On the allegations against Friends of Police (FOP) personnel in the assault of Jeyaraj and Bennicks, he said that the police has to check the veracity of the allegations before proceeding further.