A pub landlord who pulled no punches in a brutally honest job advert has been praised for his no-nonsense approach.
Craig Harker, who runs The George Pub and Grill in Stockton, is looking to fill five positions at three pubs after the government announced bars and restaurants would be able to reopen their doors on July 4.
The roles for bar staff, a kitchen chef, a pot washer and an apprentice front of house were posted on social media and racked up hundreds of comments - but it was the wording of the advert which attracted attention, as reported by Teeside Live
Serving up a taste of what's to come, Craig begins the advert by stating: "Yes you'll be working for an a***hole but who isn't these days lol but I'm a fair one and everyone who works for me enjoys being at work."
He advises anyone hopeful of landing a role to show up smart and presentable, adding: "Dont come to an interview with your chipped finger nails, scraggly hair and just been on a session red eye.
"Come looking to impress me. If you come and your clothes are creased to bits then I wont be having your lazy a*** anywhere behind my bar.
"Before you come down if you feel your breath is a little tangy then it probably is, get yourself a tic tac before your burn my eyes."
In the description for a bar person, it states anyone with banter like a 'wet flannel' should look elsewhere because "I don't have the time or patience to teach someone how to be sociable just because you've played Call of duty for the last 10 years instead of having proper mates."
For the same role in another pub, applicants are told professional experience is essential, "not home bar experience or the fact you made everyone a jager bomb in the park using crisp packets. Although that's creative it's not what I'm after."
The advert for a pot washer reads: "Yep it's one of those grubby jobs but you get good pot washers and s**** ones. I'm after a good one. Pot wash athletes only."