State-owned REC on Tuesday said it has committed a financial assistance of Rs 23. 52 crore to Shri Kedarnath Utthan Charitable Trust (SKUCT). The financial assistance will be made through REC''s CSR arm, REC Foundation, a company statement said. The funds will be used for construction of administartion offices and a hospital near the Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam building. The money will also be used for developing water supply network, storm water network, solid waste network, CCTV network system, transformer, etc. in between Saraswati edge and Temple Street. A Memorandum of Agreement in this regard was executed between REC Foundation and SKUCT in the national capital on July 6, the company said. REC is a non-banking financial company and Infrastructure Finance Company focusing on power sector financing and development across India. It provides financial assistance to state electricity boards, state governments, central/state power utilities, independent power producers, rural electric cooperatives and private sector utilities. Its business activities involve financing projects in the complete power sector value chain including Generation, Transmission, Distribution Projects and Renewable Energy projects.